The OG

Your private on-demand productivity space.

Optimized for Your Creativity.

  • Bright and Airy

    A wall of insulated, tempered glass brings the outside in.

  • Perfect Temperature

    Programmable heat and A/C provides comfort 0F to 100F.

  • Peace and Quiet

    Soundproof construction, full insulation and felt walls create the quietest environment.

Stupidly Simple.

  • Plug and Play

    Everything is powered by a regular outlet.

  • Zero Red Tape

    No permits or rigmarole.

  • Hassle-Free Lease

    You get it. You use it. You return it. Or keep it.

Customize it. Make it yours.

Beautifully designed to fit your needs.

Delivery is easy.

Your box rolls off the back of a truck and into position. In the rare case where a forklift or other specialized equipment is needed, we’ll work it all out before delivery takes place.


How Much?